2017 American Transplant Congress
Update of a Placebo-Controlled Trial of C1 Esterase Inhibitor for Prevention of Antibody Mediated Rejection (ABMR) in Highly-HLA Sensitized Patients.
Kidney Transplant, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, LA, CA
INTRODUCTION: Desensitization (DES) strategies focus primarily on antibody reduction using IVIG, rituximab ± PLEX to prevent DSA-induced ABMR and rebound B-cell activity. Pathologic features of…2017 American Transplant Congress
Assessing the Impact of the New KAS on Transplant Rates in Highly-HLA Sensitized (HS) Patients After Desensitization (Des) 2 Years Post Implementation.
Introduction: The new KAS aims to improve access to transplantation for HS patients, specifically CPRA 99-100%. Our center has extensive experience w. DES to improve…2017 American Transplant Congress
Prognostic Tools to Choose Candidates for Successful Desensitization.
1Northwestern University, Chicago, IL; 2Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD
Antibodies to donor HLA antigens are a barrier to solid organ transplantation. Strategies to desensitize patients have improved, but the ability to predict response to…2016 American Transplant Congress
Incidence & Impact of De Novo DSA (dnDSA) Formation on Transplant Outcomes in HLA-Sensitized (HS) Patients Transplanted After IVG+Rituximab Desensitization (DES).
Introduction: Highly-HLA sensitized patients are at risk for developing donor specific antibodies (DSA) & ABMR post-transplant (tx). However, incidence and risk of acute rejections (AR)…2016 American Transplant Congress
Sequential Analysis of Donor-Specific Antibodies and Pathological Findings Using Intravenous Immunoglobulin in a Highly Sensitized Rat Kidney Transplant Model.
Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) has evolved widespread use for treatment of acute antibody-mediated rejection (AAMR) and desensitization in highly HLA-sensitized patients. However, sequential change of the…2016 American Transplant Congress
Utilization of Plasmapheresis and High Dose of Immunoglobulins in the Treatment of the High Level of De Novo Donor Specific Antibodies for the Successful Islet Allotransplantation.
Background.Development of donor specific antibodies (DSA) after islet transplantation has been a poor prognostic factor for graft survival, while no intervention is implemented. Here, we…2016 American Transplant Congress
Transient Hepatitis B Core Positivity After Administration of IVIG for Desensitization (DES).
Kidney Transplant, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, LA, CA.
INTRODUCTION: IVIG has become an essential tool in the treatment of sensitized patients prior to solid organ transplantation and is routinely used to treat viral…2016 American Transplant Congress
EBV Sero-Positivity Does Not Reduce the Risk for EBV Viremia and/or Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder (PTLD) in Patients (Pts) Receiving Belatacept (CTLA4Ig).
Comprehensive Transplant Center, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA.
Introduction: CTLA4Ig is a novel immunosuppressive (IS) which acts through costimulatory blockade of T-cells and obviates the need for calcineurin inhibitor-based IS (CNI-IS). Despite benefits…2016 American Transplant Congress
Impact of the New Kidney Allocation System on Highly Sensitized Patients: Single Center Report.
Background: Highly sensitized patients (HSP) with calculated Panel Reactive Antibody (cPRA) >80% are known to have extensive waiting time on UNOS list. The new kidney…2016 American Transplant Congress
Neuro-invasive Saint Louis Encephalitis Virus (SLEV) Infection in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients in a Non-Endemic Area.
Infectious Disease, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, AZ.
Background:In the summer of 2015, three prior solid organ transplant recipients developed meningoencephalitis suggestive of West Nile virus (WNV) infection in the Phoenix area with…