2020 American Transplant Congress
Imaging Features and Diagnostic Accuracy of MRI in Combined Hepatocholangiocarcinoma
*Purpose: Combined hepatocholangiocarcinomas (HCC-CCA) are rare tumors with both hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) differentiations. They are usually associated with a worse prognosis after…2020 American Transplant Congress
Efficacy of Radiofrequency Ablation in the Treatment of Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Compensated Liver Disease: A Pathological Evaluation of Liver Explants
*Purpose: Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a safe and effective treatment for patients with limited hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Ablative outcomes have been largely based on radiological…2020 American Transplant Congress
Does Recovery Rate of Renal Plasma Flow after Kidney Transplantation Differ in the Choice of Renal Arterial Anastomotic Site?
*Purpose: Acquiring better inflow and recovery of blood supply to the renal graft is very critical in clinical kidney transplantation. Whether inflow to the renal…2020 American Transplant Congress
Does the Choice of Renal Arterial Anastomotic Methods in Kidney Allografts with Multiple Renal Arteries Affect the Recovery Rate of Renal Plasma Flow after Kidney Transplantation?
Nephrology, Toho University, Faculty of Medicine, Ota-ku,Tokyo, Japan
*Purpose: In cases of kidney allografts with multiple renal arteries, renal arterial anastomotic methods vary in each recipient. The aim of this study is to…2020 American Transplant Congress
Ethical and Financial Consequences of Incidental Radiological Findings During Living Kidney Donor Evaluation
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX
*Purpose: Living kidney donation (LKD) provides a unique situation in that diagnostic studies are ordered on a presumably healthy individual. Literature has shown that preoperative…2019 American Transplant Congress
Ex Vivo Assessment of Marginal Human Kidneys Using Computed Tomography
*Purpose: Thousands of ‘marginal’ organs are discarded each year despite a severe organ shortage. This has motivated development of new technologies, such as ex vivo…2019 American Transplant Congress
Usefulness of the Assessment of CT-Based Donor Kidney Function Compared with Radionuclide Scintigraphy
*Purpose: Pretransplant graft volume and function has been demonstrated to be an important factor in subsequent allograft outcomes. Most transplant centers underwent renal split function…2019 American Transplant Congress
Kidney Volumes in Healthy Donors – Does Size Really Matter?
*Purpose: To assess the relationship between craniocaudal renal diameters and renal volumes, as well as the frequency of appropriate renal selection for transplant using conventional…2019 American Transplant Congress
Correlates of Surgical Difficulty and Post-Operative Complications in Living Donor Kidney Procurement
*Purpose: Living donor kidney donation is essential for decreasing waitlists for kidney transplantation. Though donor nephrectomy is a standard operation, there is a paucity of…2019 American Transplant Congress
Simultaneous Recipient Iliac Endarterectomy and Renal Transplantation: A Propensity Score Matched Study
General surgery, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
*Purpose: Severe iliac atherosclerotic disease can jeopardize the success of, and listing of patients for renal transplantation. Not only does it provide a technical challenge…