2022 American Transplant Congress
A Randomised Trial Of Normothermic Machine Perfusion Versus Static Cold Storage In Donation After Circulatory Death Renal Transplantation
*Purpose: Kidneys from donation after circulatory death (DCD) donors are more susceptible to cold storage injury and have a high risk of delayed graft function…2022 American Transplant Congress
Defatting of Steatotic Liver Grafts by Normothermic Ex Vivo Liver Machine Perfusion with 2,4 Dinitrophenol
*Purpose: The purpose of the study is to demonstrate that steatotic liver grafts can be defatted by normothermic ex vivo liver machine perfusion (NEVLP) with…2022 American Transplant Congress
Characterisation of Kidney-Specific Extracellular Vesicles During Isolated Organ Normothermic Machine Perfusion
*Purpose: Introduction: Normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) can evaluate and recondition deceased-donor kidneys but accurate biomarkers are needed to assess organ quality and to predict post-transplant…2022 American Transplant Congress
Ex Vivo End Ischemic Hypothermic Oxygenated Perfusion (hope) Versus Static Cold Storage Prior To Liver Transplantation – Preliminary Results Of The Bridge To Hope Pivotal Multicenter Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial On The Safety And Effectiveness Of The Vitasmart Liver Machine Perfusion System (clinicaltrials.gov: Nct05045794)
*Purpose: Ex vivo end ischemic hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion (HOPE) is a simple technique to improve liver transplant (LT) results and the donor shortage. HOPE…2022 American Transplant Congress
Pulsatile Kidney Perfusion Improves Survival and Graft Function in High Acuity Combined Liver Kidney Transplant (CLKT) Recipients
*Purpose: Due to underlying renal dysfunction, CLKT recipients tend to have higher medical acuity at baseline resulting in a higher likelihood of post-operative complications and…2022 American Transplant Congress
Lipid Metabolism Profile of Human Kidneys During Ex Vivo Normothermic Perfusion
UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA
*Purpose: The kidney is a highly metabolic organ and lipids are an important energy source. In this study, we examined the lipid profiles of discarded…2022 American Transplant Congress
A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial To Compare The Efficacy Of Ex-vivo Machine Perfusion With Static Cold Storage In Human Liver Transplantation: The University Of Maryland Experience
*Purpose: There is accumulating clinical evidence of the benefit of normothermic ex-vivo machine perfusion (NMP) compared with traditional static cold storage of liver allografts prior…2022 American Transplant Congress
Perfusate Cell-Free DNA Content is a Potential Marker of Cellular Injury During Hypothermic Machine Perfusion of Porcine Kidneys Subject to Prolonged Warm Ischemia
1University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK
*Purpose: Despite the potential benefits and expanding use of advanced dynamic perfusion systems in clinical practice, to date there is no robust and non-invasive method…2022 American Transplant Congress
Normothermic Machine Perfusion of the Liver Supports Protein Translation and Mitochondrial Function While Reducing Protein Degradation and Metabolic Imbalance: A Proteomics Study
*Purpose: Liver preservation by normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) involves perfusion of the graft with oxygenated blood and nutrients. The NMP Liver trial by the Consortium…2022 American Transplant Congress
Final Flow and Resistance During Cold Pulsatile Perfusion Preservation Do Have Value in Prediction of Deceased Donor Graft Survival After Adjusting for KDPI
Kidney Transplant, Sacred Heart Hospital, Pensacola, FL
*Purpose: To determine whether cold pulsatile perfusion preservation (CPPP) parameters of flow and resistance provide additional data regarding deceased donor kidney graft survival after adjusting…
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