2020 American Transplant Congress
Are Living Donor Offers a Missed Opportunity? A Social Network Analysis of End-Stage Renal Disease Patients
*Purpose: Increasing the rates of living donor kidney transplantation is a priority, yet not much is known about the members of an end-stage renal disease…2020 American Transplant Congress
Telehealth Medicine: A Novel Tool to Make Living Donation Simple and Financially Neutral
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
*Purpose: Live kidney donation can be an overwhelming process even for the highly motivated individuals. Live donors may have to spend up to $5000 for…2020 American Transplant Congress
Facebunk: Does Social Media Have a Positive Impact on Living Kidney Donation
*Purpose: More kidney transplant recipients are reaching out beyond their immediate contacts in order to find potential living donors. In addition, transplant centers and organizations…2020 American Transplant Congress
Long-Term Outcomes of Kidney Donors with Nephrolithiasis
*Purpose: Long-term outcomes data of living kidney donors (LKDs) with nephrolithiasis are limited. We assessed the clinical and structural findings and their association with long-term…2020 American Transplant Congress
Trends in Living Kidney Donation in the United States
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
*Purpose: After peaking in 2014, the number of LKDTs per year dropped substantially in the US despite an increasing waitlist. However, trends in the KAS…2020 American Transplant Congress
Living Donor Gender Disparities Vary by Donor-Recipient Familial Relationship
*Purpose: Women are more likely to be living transplant donors and less likely to be recipients. It has been difficult to distinguish how much of…2020 American Transplant Congress
Living Liver Donation in Previous Kidney Donors – A Valuable Resource for Hepatic Allografts without Compromising Donor Safety
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
*Purpose: Living liver donation in Western nations permits a valuable expansion of the donor pool beyond the majority of deceased donors, whilst conversely providing the…2020 American Transplant Congress
The Experience of 1000 Cases of Hand Assisted Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy for Living Donor Kidney Transplantation
*Purpose: Due to the increasing number of kidney transplant candidates, living donor kidney transplantation becomes more necessary. For living donor kidney transplantation, safe and efficient…2020 American Transplant Congress
Optical Trocar Entry Technique in Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy
*Purpose: The published data of safety, practicality and applicability of the optical trocar entry technique in laparoscopic donor nephrectomy in general have been previously investigated.…2020 American Transplant Congress
Self-Reported Marijuana Use and its Effects on Overall Approval in Potential Living Kidney Donors
Kidney & Pancreas Transplant, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
*Purpose: Past and present substance use is an important part of the psychosocial evaluation of potential living kidney donors. Increasing state legalizations and social acceptance…