2015 American Transplant Congress
The Impact of Acute Rejection on Liver Transplant Survival in the New Millennium
Background: Based on pre-2000 data, acute rejection (AR) has long been considered clinically less significant in liver transplant (LT) vs. other organ recipients (Charlton et…2015 American Transplant Congress
Donor Organ Resident M2 Type Myeloid Cells Protect Murine Orthotropic Liver Transplants from Ischemia and Reperfusion Injury
The Dumont-UCLA Transplant Ctr., UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.
Liver ischemia reperfusion injury (lRI) is mediated by a pro-inflammatory immune response initiated by the activation of liver non-parenchymal innate immune cells, such as Kupffer…2015 American Transplant Congress
Forty-Seven Consecutive Simultaneous Liver-Kidney Transplants With Steroid Free Immunosuppression After Rabbit Antithymocyte Globulin Induction
Introduction: Utilization of rabbit antithymocyte globulin (RATG) induction as part of a steroid free immunosuppression protocol in orthotopic liver transplantation has gained wide acceptance in…2015 American Transplant Congress
Factors Influencing Cost Among Kidney, Liver, and Heart Transplant Patients in a Private Payer Setting
1Optum, Minneapolis; 2Saint Louis University, St. Louis.
The factors influencing cost in solid organ transplantation have been evaluated by many individual centers, as well as nationally for Medicare patients. However, the majority…2015 American Transplant Congress
Split and Living Donor Versus Whole Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Adult Recipients: A Single Center Analysis
Liver Transplant Unit, Edouard Herriot Hospital, lyon, France.
INTRODUCTIONThe use of partial liver grafts in the context of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains a matter ofdebate because of a supposed higher risk of cancer…2015 American Transplant Congress
Induction Therapy With either Anti-Thymocyte Antibodies or Il2 Receptor Inhibitors Appears to Decrease the Risk of Graft Loss in DCD Liver Transplantation Compared to No Induction Therapy
University of Washington, Seattle.
An analysis of our center's outcomes in DCD liver transplants suggested that induction with anti-thymocyte antibody preparations (ATG) may reduce the risk of graft loss…2015 American Transplant Congress
Does BMI Affect Survival in Cadaveric Liver Transplantation for Benign Conditions?
Surgery, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada.
Obesity is a relative contraindication to liver transplantation (LT). Aim of this study was to analyze morbidity, mortality, long-term survival of cadaveric LTs stratified by…2015 American Transplant Congress
Myeloid Cell-Specific Heme Oxygenase-1 Is Crucial for Hepatoprotection in Liver Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
Background and Aim: Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), an anti-oxidant enzyme, is essential in tissue resistance against innate immunity driven ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). Our group was the…2015 American Transplant Congress
Modified Upper Abdominal Organ Cluster Transplantation: A Serial of 16 Cases in a Single Center
Objectives: Various postoperatively complications and high mortality rate are the major difficulties in early classical total and subtotal abdominal organ transplantation. To improve long-term survival,…2015 American Transplant Congress
Determinants and Sequelae of Hepatic Artery Thrombosis After Liver Transplantation: A Registry Study of Recipient Diagnosis and Coagulopathy
Hepatic artery thrombosis (HAT) is a dreaded complication following liver transplantation. Despite improvements in technique and procurement, HAT still occurs in approximately 2-5% of recipients.…