2022 American Transplant Congress
Detection of Alloreactive CD8+ T Cell Responses and the Immunopeptidome That Elicits Their Activation
*Purpose: T cell-mediated rejection results in graft dysfunction and contributes to premature failure. Due to the complexity of the TCR:pMHC interaction, prediction of alloreactive T…2022 American Transplant Congress
Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Alloimmunity in Chronic Lung Transplant Rejection
*Purpose: Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) remains a major cause of death after lung transplantation. Unfortunately, we lack effective treatments for BOS as the mechanisms by…2022 American Transplant Congress
DEPTOR: A Novel Endothelial-Specific Regulator of Cell-Intrinsic Anti-Inflammation Following Transplantation
*Purpose: Recent studies have highlighted a paradigm whereby the maintenance of normal tissue homeostasis and the prevention of chronic inflammation is dependent on the active…2022 American Transplant Congress
Donor Kidney-Resident Passenger Macrophages Promote CCL8-CCR8 Mediated Early Allograft Inflammation
*Purpose: Early intragraft infiltration of monocytes and macrophages has been associated with acute and chronic allograft rejections. Nevertheless, underlying mechanism remained poorly understood. In the…2022 American Transplant Congress
High-Throughput Immune Synapse Detection as a Tool for the Measurement of T Cell Alloreactivity in Humans
University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada
*Purpose: Accurate measurement of T cell alloreactivity may allow prediction of graft outcome and the selection of patients for immunosuppression optimization. Current technologies cannot reliably…2021 American Transplant Congress
Donor Mhc-independent Islet Rejection in Autoimmune Diabetes: Implications for Stem Cell Therapy
*Purpose: Stem cell technology is an attractive approach for generating insulin-producing cells for transplantation in insulin-dependent diabetes and potentially can be genetically modified. One recent…2021 American Transplant Congress
TIGIT Identifies Polyfunctional Donor-Specific CD4+ T Cells Lost After Kidney Transplantation
Nephrology and Transplantation, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands
*Purpose: Development of T-cell hyporesponsiveness to donor antigen may explain the substantial decrease in the risk for acute rejection in the years following kidney transplantation.…2021 American Transplant Congress
Environmental Factors That Shape T-cell Alloimmunity: Role of the Microbiome
*Purpose: Unlike other types of immunity, T-cell alloimmune responses to mismatched MHC proteins do not need priming by a previous exposure. While genetic differences between…2021 American Transplant Congress
IFNγ, and to a Lesser Extent TNFα, Elicits Protracted Endothelial Cell Expression of Costimulatory Molecules and Antigen Presentation Machinery
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
*Purpose: Beyond simply “recruiting” leukocytes to sites of injury, local stimulation by the donor vascular compartment may prolong alloimmune responses. Moreover, the dynamics of endothelial…2021 American Transplant Congress
Evaluation of the Differentiation Program of Endogenous Antigen-specific CD8+T Cells Following Transplantation
1Pathology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 2Surgery, Emory Transplant Center, Atlanta, GA
*Purpose: Despite advances in the survival of transplanted organs, acute T cell mediated rejection remains a significant clinical problem with few effective or targeted treatments.…
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