2022 American Transplant Congress
Factors Linked with Evaluation to Wait Listing for Referred Patients at the University of Texas Medical Branch’s Main Center and Outreach Clinic – A Step Towards Kidney Transplantation
*Purpose: Numerous factors can be associated with transplant candidates’ placement on the wait list. We herein set forth to assess patient characteristics and factors associated…2022 American Transplant Congress
Characteristics of OPOs with Increased Education Spending, 2013-2018
*Purpose: OPO spending on education would be expected to increase donor registration and increase the number of donors. Using data from multiple sources, we examined…2022 American Transplant Congress
Cognitive Impairment In Liver Transplant Recipients 6 Months Or More After Transplant
*Purpose: Patients with decompensated cirrhosis awaiting liver transplant (LT) exhibit a spectrum of neurocognitive disorders, largely attributed to hepatic encephalopathy (HE) and considered reversible after…2022 American Transplant Congress
Transplant Centers That Assess Frailty as Part of Clinical Practice Have Better Outcomes
*Purpose: Frailty predicts adverse post-kidney transplant (KT) outcomes, yet impacts of frailty assessments on center-level outcomes remain unclear. We tested whether transplant centers assessing frailty…2022 American Transplant Congress
Favorable Outcomes in Older Diabetics Receiving a Simultaneous Kidney Pancreas Transplant Compared to Those Receiving a Living Donor Kidney Transplant
1Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, AZ, 2Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
*Purpose: To compare the long-term outcomes of older (50-65 yr) diabetic patients who received Simultaneous Kidney pancreas transplantation (SKP) vs. living donor (LD) kidney transplants.*Methods:…2022 American Transplant Congress
Donor and Recipient Age Matching for Kidney Transplantation: A Machine Learning Approach
*Purpose: Under the concept of ‘longevity matching,’ the Kidney Allocation System favors matching younger deceased donors with younger kidney transplant (KT) candidates. However, it remains…2022 American Transplant Congress
Gender Disparities in Kidney Transplantation Referral Vary by Age and Race in the Southeast US
1Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 2Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
*Purpose: Men (vs. women) are more likely to be waitlisted or receive a kidney transplant. Whether gender disparities exist in earlier transplant steps (i.e., referral)…2022 American Transplant Congress
The Use of Frailty Assessment to Determine Fitness for Renal Transplant in a Veteran Dialysis Patient Population
*Purpose: Frailty is a medical syndrome characterized by reduced physiologic function and strength. It is associated with an increased risk of mortality, hospital readmission and…2022 American Transplant Congress
Impact of Donor-Recipient Age Discrepancy in Living Donor Kidney Transplantation – The Need for Better Matching
*Purpose: The Kidney Allocation System (KAS) was implemented in 2014 to address donor-recipient matching in deceased donor kidney transplantation, with the goal of maximizing life-years…2022 American Transplant Congress
Gender Imbalance in Kidney Transplantation in Japan
*Purpose: Japan has a chronic shortage of donors. Therefore, kidney transplantation between elderly couples has increased. We examined how differences in gender and donor age…
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