2021 American Transplant Congress » Non-Organ Specific: Disparities to Outcome and Access to Healthcare
Date & Time:
None. Available on demand
Location: Virtual
Session Type: Poster Abstract
Meeting: 2021 American Transplant Congress
AM PAC Scores and Liver Transplant Resource Utilization
Are Liver Transplant Center Websites Accessible to All?
Association of Obesity and Early Post Kidney Transplantation Complications
Black Transplant Recipients Reside in the Most Socially Vulnerable Communities
Body Mass Index >35 Does Not Impact Kidney Transplant Outcomes or Health Related Quality of Life Despite BMI Class or Recipient Race
Creating a Culturally Sensitive Report Card for African American Kidney Transplant Candidates: Preliminary Results from Pilot Interviews and Focus Groups
Dialysis Staff-Reported Impact of the Early Covid-19 Pandemic on Kidney Transplant Referrals and Evaluations
Equity in Access to Kidney Transplants by Race/ethnicity in the Covid-19 Era
Genetic versus Self-reported African Ancestry and Kidney Allograft Outcome: Analysis of Two Large Multiethnic Urban Transplant Cohorts
Gray on the Border: A Closer Look at the Gap in Access to Kidney Transplantation for Hispanic Americans
Has the Proportional Rise in Deceased Organ Donation Rate Over Last 5 Years Been Optimal? A Data-based, Forecasting Model Analysis of UNOS/NHSBT UK Donor Data
Healthcare Disparities Amongst Dialysis Patients in North Carolina: Decreased Access to Transplant in Lowest Health Rank Counties
Hospitalization in the First Year After Kidney Transplantation: Analyses to Identify Common Predictors of Risk Across Recipient Sensitization Groups
Impact of Bacterial Infection on HLA Allosensitization Among Kidney Recipients on the Waitlist
Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on Disparities in Living Kidney Donation in the US
Improving Well-being for Heart Transplant Recipients: Implementation of a Patient Navigator Program
Increased Deceased Organ Donation Rates Among Racial and Ethnic Minorities: Not Exactly. A UNOS/NHSBT UK Donor Data Analysis Over the Last Five Years
Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Organ Donation Among Asian Americans in Queens
Outcomes of Patients Referred for Liver Transplant Evaluation
Patient Perspective of the Implementation of Virtual Medicine in a Post-kidney Transplant Clinic
Prostate Cancer Mortality is Not Worse Among Kidney Transplant Recipients Compared to Dialysis Patients
Providing Equitable Access: Language and Literacy Levels of Kidney Transplant Center Websites
Racial Differences in Tacrolimus Xr Dosing in De Novo Kidney Transplant Recipients
Racial/ethnic and Sex Disparities in Renal Transplant Waitlisting Accounting for Pre-Waitlist Mortality
Regional Impact of Covid-19 on Kidney Transplant in the Southeast
Removal of Race Factor in Egfr Decreases Disparities in Preemptive Listing for Kidney Transplantation
Seeing is Believing: Efficacy of a Video-based Intervention in Improving Awareness of Skin Cancer Risk for Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
Solid Organ Transplant Telehealth Utilization Significantly Increased During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Experience at a Single, Large Volume Center
Survey of Transplantation Providers to Assess for Implicit Bias at a Single Center
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