2015 American Transplant Congress
Effects of Immunosuppressives On Porcine Renal Microvascular Endothelial CellActivated Human T Cell Proliferation: A Cellular Model of Kidney Xenotransplantation In Vitro
Surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN.
Background: The creation of genetically-modified pigs has brought us closer than ever to clinical xenotransplantation. However, the optimal immunosuppressive doses still need to be established…2015 American Transplant Congress
Activation and Sequestration of Platelets During Xenogeneic GalTKO.hCD46 Pig Lung Perfusion Is Primarily Mediated By GPIb, GPIIb/IIIa, and VWF
Background: Xenogeneic pig lung perfusion with human blood leads to the initiation of rejection mechanisms that are associated with the immediate sequestration of circulating platelets.…2015 American Transplant Congress
Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Hepatocytes Express TIMP-4 and Follistatin
Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell (hBMSC) transplantation has been expected to be an alternative regenerative technique for liver diseases. However, the mechanism by which…2015 American Transplant Congress
Effective Control of Anti-Xenogeneic IL-17 Response for Tolerance Induction in Xenogeneic Islet Cell Transplantation
We have previously shown that peri-transplant infusion of donor cells treated with 1-ethyl-3-(3'-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide (ECDI) in combination with peri-transplant anti-CD20 and rapamycin induce permanent porcine islet…2015 American Transplant Congress
Extended Life-Supporting Xenogeneic Lung Function With Multi-Transgeneic Donor Pigs and Targeted Drug Treatments
1University of Maryland, Baltimore; 2Revivicor, Blacksburg.
Purpose: Prolonged life-supporting (LS) xenolung function has proven difficult to accomplish. Here we report results from 21 xLTXs in a rigorous, LS pig-to-baboon model, asking…2015 American Transplant Congress
Orthotopic Transplantation of a Tissue Engineered Skin Graft in Athymic Mice
Surgery, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden.
Background: Tissue engineered (TE) skin offers promising alternative treatment in wound healing of acute and chronic skin injuries. Limited autografts from donor skin and risks…2015 American Transplant Congress
Identifying Barriers Specific to Xenoislets by Direct Comparison to Alloislets in a Dual Transplant Model
Purpose:The xenotransplantation of neonatal porcine islets (NPIs) may alleviate the shortage of islets currently limiting islet allotransplantation. However, successful implementation requires understanding of the immune…
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