2022 American Transplant Congress
Barriers and Facilitators to Care for Patients with Failed Kidney Transplants
*Purpose: To understand the barriers and facilitators to care for patients with failed kidney transplants from the perspective of providers.*Methods: Qualitative study employed focus groups…2022 American Transplant Congress
Do Social Support Requirements Delay Time to Listing Decision in Liver Candidates?
1Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI, 2University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
*Purpose: Social support requirements in the evaluation of transplant candidates have recently come under increased scrutiny. One criticism is that these requirements delay listing decisions.…2022 American Transplant Congress
Developing A Tool To Assess Psychosocial Determinants Of Health And Quality Of Life In Pediatric Liver Transplant Patients
*Purpose: Psychosocial assessment prior to liver transplantation is essential to ensure that caregivers and pediatric patients are adequately prepared for this complex process. There are…2022 American Transplant Congress
Moral Distress Among Palliative Care and Transplant Clinicians in the Context of Transplant Care
1Tufts University, Medford, MA, 2REACH Lab, Tufts University, Medford, MA
*Purpose: Despite benefits of palliative care referrals and early advance care planning for patients with end-stage organ disease and recipients experiencing graft failure, few patients…2022 American Transplant Congress
Association of Psychosocial Clearance and Race in the Kidney Transplant Evaluation Process
*Purpose: The psychosocial evaluation of transplant candidates is a comprehensive assessment of the (Fig 1). Psychosocial risk factors can be the only basis for not…2022 American Transplant Congress
Race Inequity in Liver Transplant Waitlisting: Effect Modification by Psychosocial Factors and the Stanford Integrated Psychosocial Assessment for Transplant
*Purpose: Race inequity in liver transplantation (LT) has been a longstanding area of injustice within the field of hepatology. Information from psychosocial evaluations and The…2022 American Transplant Congress
Decision-Making Among HCV-Negative Transplant Candidates Offered Organs from Donors with HCV Infection
*Purpose: Historically, many organs from deceased donors with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection were discarded due to stigma and challenges in treating HCV after transplant.…2022 American Transplant Congress
Cognitive Bias in Transplant Surgery: A Qualitative Study of Transplant Clinicians in the United States
*Purpose: Clinicians’ judgments about patients’ social support often affect whether patients are listed for transplantation. Decision-making is thought to be based on two systems of…2022 American Transplant Congress
The Impact of Having Potential Living Donors on Patients’ Access to Kidney Transplantation
*Purpose: Racial/ethnic disparities persist in patients’ access to living donor kidney transplantation (LDKT). Little is known about the relationship between number of potential living donors…2022 American Transplant Congress
Post-Acute Sequelae of Sars-Cov-2 Infection in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
*Purpose: Post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC) is an increasingly recognized phenomenon manifested by long lasting cognitive, mental, and physical symptoms. We aimed to estimate…
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