2018 American Transplant Congress
Different Expression Patterns of Exosomal miRNAs under Cyclosporin A and Rapamycin Treatment in Distinct Aggressiveness Colorectal Carcinomas
The aggressiveness of colorectal cancer (CRC) in kidney transplantation is much more significant than the increase in its incidence compared with the general population. The…2018 American Transplant Congress
Do We Need to Worry about EBV DNAemia in the Late Post-Transplant Period?
Background: Despite detectable Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in blood, kidney transplant patients (KTR) may have no apparent clinical consequence. This study aims to explore the clinical…2018 American Transplant Congress
Racial Differences in Rates of Malignant and Infectious Cutaneous Genital Disease after Solid Organ Transplantation
Purpose: To describe the prevalence and types of genital lesions observed in OTRsMethods: This retrospective review included 496 OTRs who underwent full skin examination at…2018 American Transplant Congress
Decreased Post Heart Transplant Survival with Epstein-Barr Virus Mismatch in the Current Era
Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles.
Purpose: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been implicated in a multitude of cancers, including B-cell lymphoma, Burkitt's lymphoma, CNS lymphoma, gastric cancer and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Previous…2018 American Transplant Congress
Development of an Expert Consensus Guideline for Skin Cancer Screening in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
Importance Skin cancer is the most common malignancy affecting solid organ transplant recipients (SOTR). Transplant recipients have a significantly increased risk for developing both melanoma…2018 American Transplant Congress
Decreased Expression of Pro-Carcinogenic Genes Following Tacrolimus to Sirolimus Conversion in Liver Transplant Recipients
Long-term survival post-transplant is significantly impacted by malignancy. mTOR-inhibitors (mTORis) have anti-neoplastic properties and are associated with a decreased incidence of certain malignancies compared to…2018 American Transplant Congress
Immunosuppression Does Not Affect Adverse Pathological Outcomes in Men Who Underwent Radical Prostatectomy
Introduction: The impact of imuunosuppression (IS) on biological aggressiveness of cancer prostate (PCa) is unclear. We aim to assess the adverse pathological (AP) outcomes in…2018 American Transplant Congress
Y-Adapter Mediated Next Gen Sequencing of BKPyV from Archived FFPE Tissue
1Pathology, Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor; 2Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor.
Background: In a subset of renal transplant recipients with urothelial carcinoma, tumor cells show universal expression of BK Polyomavirus (BKPyV) proteins, a hallmark of oncoviruses.…2018 American Transplant Congress
Prostate Cancer Characteristics in Men on Immunosuppressive Medications
INTRODUCTION: To assess the prevalence of prostate cancer (PCa) in men receiving immunosuppressive medications undergoing transrectal ultrasound guided (TRUS) prostate biopsy.METHODS: A total of 468…2017 American Transplant Congress
BK Virus Infection and Risk of Urinary Tract Cancers Among Kidney Transplant Patients in the Transplant Cancer Match Study.
Background: Recent case series describe expression of BK virus (BKV) in tumor tissue obtained from renourinary cancers in kidney transplant recipients (KTRs). Thus, BKV may…