2022 American Transplant Congress
Efficacy and Safety of Angiotensin II Compared to Catecholamine Vasopressors as a First-Line Vasopressor for Perioperative Hypotension in Kidney Transplant Recipients
*Purpose: Perioperative use of catecholamine vasopressors (CV) in kidney transplantation (KT) have been associated with negative renal outcomes and the development of arrhythmias. A more…2022 American Transplant Congress
Dynamic Changes and Roles of Specialized Pro-resolving Lipid Meditators in the Initiation and Resolution Process of Lung Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Rats
*Purpose: Lung ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) is one of the significant complications after lung transplantation, which is a form of acute lung injury by robust inflammation.…2022 American Transplant Congress
Normothermic Machine Perfusion in Liver Transplantation – Seven Year Experience at a Single North American Centre
*Purpose: Machine perfusion for preservation of liver grafts before transplantation has risen in prominence over the past decade. Normothermic machine perfusion (NMP), in particular, has…2022 American Transplant Congress
Ex Vivo Modification of Vascular Allografts Using Immunosuppressive and Anti-Inflammatory Polymers Prevent Rejection via Localized Immunosuppression
*Purpose: Classical immunosuppressants lead to systemic immune shutdown, though necessary to mediate transplant rejection, it may lead to various complications. To reduce off-target immunosuppression while…2022 American Transplant Congress
Early Experience Of 48-hour Normothermic Machine Perfusion In Human Kidneys Applying Urine Recirculation
*Purpose: Normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) of the kidney has been studied extensively during the past decade. Short-term kidney NMP has demonstrated promising results, however currently…2022 American Transplant Congress
Local Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for the Ex Vivo Preservation of a Porcine Vascularized Composite Allograft with 24-hour Normothermic Machine Perfusion
*Purpose: Given therapeutic limitations in limb salvage, we sought to demonstrate the efficacy of combining local mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) infusion with fresh whole blood…2022 American Transplant Congress
Perfusate Metabolites and Association with Pump Perfusion and Allograft Failure
*Purpose: While hypothermic machine perfusion (HMP) is associated with improved kidney graft viability, the exact biological mechanisms underlying this association are unknown. The goal of…2022 American Transplant Congress
Characterisation of Kidney-Specific Extracellular Vesicles During Isolated Organ Normothermic Machine Perfusion
*Purpose: Introduction: Normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) can evaluate and recondition deceased-donor kidneys but accurate biomarkers are needed to assess organ quality and to predict post-transplant…