2017 American Transplant Congress
Barriers and Experiences When Patients Decide on a Kidney Transplant Center.
Choosing a transplant center is one decision in a long pre-transplant process facing many patients. Qualitative studies have previously been used to better understand the…2017 American Transplant Congress
Educational Strategies for Increased Wait-Listing Rates: Opportunities for Dialysis Center Intervention.
1UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; 2SLU, St. Louis, MO
Dialysis centers vary in how well they educate patients about kidney transplant (KT). This study categorized common groups of educational strategies used by dialysis staff;…2017 American Transplant Congress
Training for Transplant: Frailty Assessment and Optimization in Kidney Transplant Candidates.
Surgery, Scott & White Medical Center, Temple, TX
Purpose: To design and implement a frailty assessment and optimization program addressing potential modifiable risk factors that would ordinarily disqualify patients from kidney and/or pancreas…2017 American Transplant Congress
How to Improve Pre-Kidney Transplant Education for Hispanics: Preferences and Perceptions of Northwestern Memorial Hospital's Hispanic Transplant Program.
Context: Pre-Transplant educational sessions improve access to transplantation. Currently, however, there is lack of culturally competent approaches to improve living kidney donation for Hispanics Americans.…2016 American Transplant Congress
Periodical Peer Review of a Pancreas Transplant Programme: Can It Enhance Performance?
Introduction:In the UK, NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT), the national transplant regulatory body, monitors 30-day graft loss and patient mortality by CUmulative SUMmation methodology (CUSUM).…2016 American Transplant Congress
Peri-Operative Events and Complications in Minimally-Invasive Live Donor Nephrectomy: What Should We Tell Potential Donors?
Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
PURPOSE: To systematically assess perioperative events in minimally-invasive live donor nephrectomy, and to compare different techniques currently employed for this procedure.METHODS: A literature search was…2016 American Transplant Congress
The Effect of Families on Organ Donation Among Native Americans.
Background: Prevalence of end-stage renal disease is 3.5 times greater among the >2.5 million Native Americans (NAs) in the US than in Caucasians, due to…2016 American Transplant Congress
Predicting and Reducing 30-Day Readmission After Liver Transplant (OLT).
Transplant Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH.
Background:Reducing early readmissions is a challenge. This study aimed to identify predictors of 30-day readmissions and interventions to minimize readmissions.Methods: Records of 523 adult OLT…2016 American Transplant Congress
Quality Improvement Initiative to Provide Comprehensive Pharmacy Services to Kidney Transplant Patients at a Small Transplant Center.
Purpose: Previously, kidney transplant pharmacy services at our institution were limited to medication profile review before and after transplant surgery. Following an OPTN accreditation site…2016 American Transplant Congress
Novel Approaches to Medication Teaching in Solid Organ Transplantation.
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University, New York.
Technology has become a fundamental part of our daily lives; mobile application (app) technologies enhance a healthcare providers ability to deliver patient-centered care. Solid organ…