2015 American Transplant Congress
Evaluation of Natural Killer Cell Activation by NK Cell-Specific Interferon-Gamma-Releasing Assay
Introduction: Although NK cell activity (NKA) has a variety of measuring markers including chromiun release assay and flowcytometry-based cytolysis, limitations such as radioactivity and lack…2015 American Transplant Congress
Allo-Stimulated Interferon-γ Release and Natural Killer Cell Function Defines and Risk Stratifies Cancer Development in Kidney Transplant Recipients Who Have Cancer Post-transplantation
Reducing immunosuppression is efficacious in primary prevention of cancer in Kidney Transplant Recipients (KTR) but can precipitate graft rejection. Conventional immunosuppressive drug monitoring fails to…2015 American Transplant Congress
Significant Reduction in TRAIL-Expressing NK Cells in Remnant Liver After Partial Hepatectomy Is Strongly Associated With the Impaired Intrahepatic CXCL9CXCR3 Pathway
Antitumor activity of liver natural killer (NK) cells decreases after partial hepatectomy or liver transplantation (LT), suggesting the susceptibility of patients with depressed immune status…2015 American Transplant Congress
CD52-Negative NK Cells Are Abundant in the Liver and Less Susceptible to Alemtuzumab Treatment
Background: T-cell depleting strategies have become an integral part of immunosuppressive regimens in organ transplantation. Alemtuzumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody against CD52, a cell-surface…2015 American Transplant Congress
NKp46 Clusters at the NK Cell Immune Synapse Regulate Specific Effector Functions
1Stanford University, Stanford, CA; 2Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel.
Natural Killer (NK) cells play an important role in the first-line defense against tumor and virus-infected cells. Studies suggest NK cells have a dichotomous role…2015 American Transplant Congress
The Influence of Immunosuppressive Drugs On the Epithelial Microenvironment in Solid Organ Transplantation – Identification of Biomarker Candidates for Rejection Vs. Tolerance
In the context of kidney transplantation, NK cells may play an important role by targeting the allogeneic organ due to "missing-self recognition", which leads to…2015 American Transplant Congress
Adoptive Immunotherapy With Liver Allograft-Derived NK Cells Improves Recurrence-Free Survival After Living-Donor Liver Transplantation in Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Department of Gastroenterological and Transplant Surgery, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan.
Introduction: Previous studies revealed that the recurrence rate of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) was still 1020%, even among liver transplantation (LT) recipients meeting the Milan criteria…2015 American Transplant Congress
NK Cells of Kidney Transplant Recipients Show a Reduced Capacity to Produce Cytokines But Retain Their Cytotoxic Capacity
The role of NK cells in either graft rejection or tolerance induction is still discussed controversially. In order to clarify the effect of long-term immunosuppression…2015 American Transplant Congress
Analysis of In-Vitro Effects of Immunosuppression on NK Cell Subsets in the Presence of Cytomegalovirus
Background: NK cells may play an important role in the control of CMV replication post-transplant. NK cells can be divided into subsets based on surface…2015 American Transplant Congress
IL-2-Dependent Natural Killer Cell Responses to Epstein-Barr Virus B Cell Lymphomas Involve the NKG2A/NKG2C Axis
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA.
Epstein Barr virus (EBV) infection elicits a strong host immune response that is considered to be essential for control of the virus and for preventing…