2016 American Transplant Congress
Identifying Social Barriers to Health Literacy in ESRD Patients Undergoing Kidney Transplant Evaluation.
Background: Low health literacy is associated with increased hospitalizations and mortality. ESRD patients have reduced health literacy as ESRD disproportionately affects the elderly and individuals…2016 American Transplant Congress
Probability of Transplant (POT) Index: A Novel Method to Predict the Likelihood of an Adult Liver Transplant.
Background: Access to liver transplantation is limited by a multitude of factors, which are quite variable among transplant candidates, and is underscored by the shortage…2016 American Transplant Congress
Factors Associated with Increased Risk of MELD Progression Among a Large Population of Patients with Cirrhosis and an Initial Low MELD Score (<15).
Northwestern University, Chicago.
AimsLiving donor liver transplantation (LDLT) is an underutilized resource. Timely identification of patients with cirrhosis and a low MELD who's MELD score is likely to…2016 American Transplant Congress
Clinical Factors That Determine the More Appropriate Induction Agent: ATG versus IL-2 Receptor Antagonists.
Antithymocyte globulin (ATG) is recommended over IL-2 receptor antagonist (IL2) in high-risk recipients for induction immunosuppression. However, “high-risk” status has not been defined in an…2016 American Transplant Congress
The Simplified EPTS Score: Who Wins and Who Loses?
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH.
The New Kidney Allocation System includes provisions that candidates with EPTS score in the lowest 20% (indicating best expected survival) have access to the highest…2016 American Transplant Congress
Bariatric Surgery and Increased Risk of Death After Listing for Liver Transplantation.
Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX.
Background:Prior bariatric surgery in cirrhotics is increasingly common, and the metabolic derangements and altered anatomy from this surgery may impact outcomes. We hypothesize that cirrhotic…2016 American Transplant Congress
Never Events and Hospital Acquired Conditions After Kidney Transplant.
Surgery, Division of Transplant Surgery, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL.
Introduction: Never Events (NE) and Hospital Acquired Conditions (HAC) after surgery have been designated as quality metrics in health care by the centers for Medicare…2015 American Transplant Congress
A Relative Survival Model to Compare the Risk of Mortality in Patients Awaiting Kidney Transplantation Versus Already Transplanted Patients
Introduction: It would be useful for physicians in some specific cases to identify whom patients could not benefit of kidney transplantations.Patients and method: To answer…2015 American Transplant Congress
Graft-Versus-Host Disease After Orthotopic Liver Transplantation: Multivariate Analysis of Risk Factors
Introduction:Acute graft versus host disease (GVHD) is a rare fatal complication following orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). It involves activation of donor T lymphocytes by antigen…2015 American Transplant Congress
Transplant Center Quality Assessment: Correlation Between Early Graft Outcomes and Patient-Centered Assessments of Hospital Care
1Surgery, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, AZ; 2Surgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Background: Patients selecting a transplant center use public reports of outcomes to empower their decision-making. Patient-focused quality measures are lacking in transplantation, but are a…