2016 American Transplant Congress
T-Bet Regulates nTreg Stability and Suppression in an Islet Allograft Model.
University of Maryland, Baltimore.
The transcription factor T-bet endows Treg with properties tosuppress Th1 inflammation. However, the mechanisms by which T-bet controls alloimmune responses are not fully understood. We…2015 American Transplant Congress
LFA-1 Is Crucial for Germinal Center Reconstruction After T cell Depletion and IL-21 Biased Antibody-Mediated Rejection
1Surgery, Emory Transplant Center, Atlanta, GA; 2Surgery, Duke University, Durham, NC.
[Background] Lymphocyte depletion prior to transplantation is beneficial in reducing initial maintenance immunosuppression in transplantation. However, despite its excellent efficacy in controlling T cell mediated…2015 American Transplant Congress
Emerging Application of Active Immune Targeted Delivery in Transplantation
Targeted nanodelivery has created enormous excitement as a transformative approach to deliver therapeutics to tissues of interest. In recent years, we have made significant progress…2015 American Transplant Congress
T-bet Directs nTreg Homing Into Draining Lymph Nodes by Regulation of Specific Migration and Adhesion Receptors
University of Maryland, Baltimore.
Background: The transcription factor T-bet endows Treg with the functional and migratory properties to suppress Th1 inflammation. Previously, we showed that nTreg homing into draining…