2015 American Transplant Congress
Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) Transfusion for Desensitization of Positive Lymphocyte Cross Match (LCM) or Panel Reactive Antibodies (PRA) Before Kidney Transplantation Outcome of 16 Cases
Immunomodulatory function of MSCs may correct positive PRA or LCM in highly-sensitized patients. We evaluate donor specific or 3rd party MSCs transfusion in 16 patients…2015 American Transplant Congress
Quantifying the Survival Benefit of HLA-Incompatible Kidney Transplantation: A Multi-Center Study
Surgery, Hopkins, Baltimore, MD.
A single center study has demonstrated a two-fold survival benefit of incompatible live donor kidney transplant (ILDKT) compared to remaining on dialysis. We sought to…2015 American Transplant Congress
Desensitization Protocol Including Concomitant Bortezomib and Rituximab Did Not Reduce Calculated PRA Nor Mean MFI Values Among Waitlisted Patients for Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation
Highly sensitized (HS) patients (pts) seldom have chance to receive deceased donor kidney transplant (DDKT). A desensitization (DES) program including bortezomib was employed to facilitate…2015 American Transplant Congress
Long-Term Analysis of a Placebo-Controlled Trial of C1-INH for Prevention of Antibody-Mediated Rejection
Kidney Transplant, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA.
Introduction: Desensitization (DES) strategies focus primarily on antibody reduction using IVIG, rituximab ± PLEX to prevent DSA-induced antibody-mediated rejection (ABMR) and rebound B-cell activity. Recently,…2015 American Transplant Congress
Comparison of One-Year Outcomes in High Risk Kidney Transplantation: ABO Incompatible and DSA Positive/CDC-AHG Negative
Back ground: Both donor specific anti-HLA antibody (DSA) and anti-ABO are the major barriers in kidney transplantation. We evaluated the outcomes of desensitization protocols in…2015 American Transplant Congress
Etiology, Incidence and Outcomes of the Highly Sensitized Kidney Transplant Patient
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
Background: Sensitization to HLA antigens is a major barrier to kidney transplantation. We sought to determine the etiology, incidence and outcomes of kidney transplants performed…2015 American Transplant Congress
Pre-Transplant Desensitization Protocol and Cancer Risk in Kidney Transplantation
Introduction: Desensitization (DS) in kidney transplant is a current therapy for all cause of incompatible living donor kidney transplants (LDKT). The impact in cancer risk…2015 American Transplant Congress
The Impact of a Desensitization Protocol Using Plasmapheresis and Intravenous Immunoglobulin On Graft Outcome in Kidney Recipients With Donor Specific Anti-HLA Antibodies
Hospital Geral de Fortaleza, Fortaleza, Brazil.
Introduction: Kidney transplantation in patients with donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies (DSA) has been associated with a worse prognosis. The high cost, infectious complications and conflicting results…2015 American Transplant Congress
Kidney Vs. Heart Calculated PRA (CPRA) for Sensitized Heart Candidates: Does Donor Ethnic Distribution Make a Difference?
Background: CPRA, which is used for deceased donor (DD) kidney (KI) and pancreas/kidney-pancreas (PA/KP) allocation, is computed with KI DD HLA and ethnic frequencies. CPRA…2015 American Transplant Congress
Reasons for Match Offer Refusals and Efforts to Reduce Them in the OPTN/UNOS Kidney Paired Donation Pilot Program (KPDPP)
1UNOS, Richmond, VA; 2Carnegie Mellon Univ, Pittsburgh, PA; 3Univ Hosp Case Med Ctr, Cleveland, OH.
Background: The OPTN/UNOS KPDPP has been finding 2-way, 3-way, and chain exchanges since Oct 2010. Though the number of pairs entered, matches found, and transplants…