2019 American Transplant Congress
Predicting Deceased Donor Kidney Transplant Outcomes: Comparing KDRI/KDPI with Machine Learning
HealthTech Solutions, Inc., Coralville, IA
*Purpose: To better predict outcomes of graft survival in kidney donation and ultimately save more lives for those waiting on the list.*Methods: Machine learning methods…2019 American Transplant Congress
The Impact of Changes in OPTN Oversight of Kidney Programs on Organ Yield and Offer Acceptance Practices
1SRTR, Minneapolis, MN, 2OPTN, Richmond, VA
*Purpose: In March 2017, the Membership and Professional Standards Committee (MPSC) of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network implemented an operational rule to increase the…2019 American Transplant Congress
Utilization of Donor Kidneys with Acute Kidney Injury in Pediatric Transplantation
1Surgery, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX, 2Medicine, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX
*Purpose: Donor kidneys that are otherwise healthy with acute kidney injury (AKI) are increasingly used in adult transplant programs. We sought to examine the experience…2019 American Transplant Congress
Donation after Cardiac Simultaneous Liver-Kidney: An Updated Perspective
*Purpose: Historically, the outcomes from donation after cardiac death (DCD) donors have been shown to be inferior as compared to those of donation after brain…2019 American Transplant Congress
Viability Testing and Transplantation of Marginal Donor Livers (VITTAL) Trial Outcomes: Proteomic Analysis of Perfusates from Livers Undergoing Normothermic Machine Liver Perfusion Reveals Biomarkers Predictive of Graft Viability and Post-Transplant Complications
*Purpose: The VITTAL clinical trial demonstrated that post-ischaemic normothermic machine perfusion(NMP) can increase utilisation of livers from the marginal pool of extended criteria donors (ECD).…2019 American Transplant Congress
A New Risk Stratification Scoring System for Deceased Donor Kidneys and Suitable Candidates for Marginal Kidneys in Korea
*Purpose: The dichotomous criteria for expanded criteria donor (ECD) vs. standard criteria donor (SCD) have been useful for making decisions about accepting deceased donor kidney…2019 American Transplant Congress
Hepatitis C Antibody Positive (HCV Ab+)/Nucleic Acid Test Negative (NAT -) Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation into Hepatitis C Negative (HCV -) Recipients: Is It Safe?
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
*Purpose: Kidneys procured from HCV Ab+/NAT - are not routinely used due to concern for HCV transmission into recipients. However, there has been no report…2019 American Transplant Congress
Utilization of DCD Donors >50 Years Old for Liver Transplantation
Arizona Transplant Associates, PC, Phoenix, AZ
*Purpose: End stage liver disease is becoming more prevalent in the United States with approximately 4.9 million adults carrying the diagnosis. It is estimated that…2019 American Transplant Congress
Ex Vivo Normothermic Perfusion Of Discarded Human Kidneys Reveals Cold-storage-induced Renal Fibrinogen And Provides A Platform For Therapeutic Repair
*Purpose: The purpose of this study was to: 1) determine the cause of microvascular obstructions that arise during ex vivo normothermic perfusion (NMP) of human…2019 American Transplant Congress
Dissecting The Role Of Donor Acute Kidney Injury On Molecular Responses Post-transplantation
*Purpose: In the current scenario of shortage of donor organs, kidneys with AKI are being used and outcome research reports show that the outcomes could…