2022 American Transplant Congress
Management of Brain-Dead Organ Donors by a Dedicated ICU Team Improves Organ Yield
*Purpose: Management of brain-dead (BD) donors can be challenging in hospitals with limited ICU bed availability, lack of accessible diagnostic capabilities, and a culture that…2022 American Transplant Congress
Donor Hospital Referrals of Potential Deceased Donors Slow Down on Weekends
LiveOnNY, Long Island City, NY
*Purpose: As a condition of participation, CMS requires the referral to an organ procurement organization (OPO) of patients with death or imminent death by every…2022 American Transplant Congress
Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation from Donors with Acute Kidney Injury: Realities and Costs
*Purpose: The use of kidneys from deceased donors with acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of the options to expand donor pool. Several studied have…2022 American Transplant Congress
Case Times For Brain Dead Donors: Longer Is Not Better, No Impact Of Longer Case Time On Organ Yield Or OPO Performance Tier
*Purpose: Having observed the steady increase in case times, we wished to examine if this has impacted organ yield*Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study…2022 American Transplant Congress
First-in-Human Clinical-Grade Porcine Kidney Xenotransplant
*Purpose: Proof-of-concept xenotransplant work has been performed in pig to non-human primates (NHP), but it is unclear if outcomes can be recapitulated in humans. While…2022 American Transplant Congress
Development of Ex-Situ Hypothermic and Normothermic Reperfusion as an Innovative Method to Preserve an Assess Uterus: A Preliminary Result
*Purpose: Uterine transplantation is a new surgical approach in transplantation community. It can be performed after living donation (LD) or Dead-Brain Donation (DBD). Static cold…2022 American Transplant Congress
Critical Care of the Brain-Dead Recipient of a Pig-to-Human Renal Transplant
1NYU Langone Transplant Institute, New York, NY, 2NYU Langone Health, New York, NY
*Purpose: The care of a brain dead (BD) patient undergoing xenotransplantation in a non-clinical environment poses unique challenges. Selection of an appropriate decedent, stabilization of…2022 American Transplant Congress
Navigating the Ethics of Transplant Research Involving Newly Deceased
*Purpose: The most promising innovations for overcoming the organ shortage include novel organ sources such as xenotransplant and bioengineered organs. Studying these organs in mechanically…2021 American Transplant Congress
Comparison of Kidney Transplantation Outcomes Between Donors After Controlled Circulatory Death and Brain Death Donors in Catalonia, Spain
*Purpose: The number of kidney transplants (KT) from controlled cardiac death donors (cDCD) has exponentially increased in Spain during the last years. Results from cDCD…2020 American Transplant Congress
A Stroke Volume-Based Fluid Resuscitation Protocol Decreases Vasopressor Support and Increases Organ Yield in Brain-Dead Donors
Mid-America Transplant, St Louis, MO
*Purpose: Brain-dead donors are frequently hypovolemic and hypotensive requiring vasopressor support. The goal of fluid resuscitation is to increase perfusion and oxygen delivery and avoid…
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